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How to navigate a personal injury claim if you’re out of work


A serious injury that prevents you from working can be detrimental. Making a claim with an insurance company can be a time-consuming process, and in the meantime, you have bills – and possibly medical expenses – that are piling up. Without a source of income, the situation can quickly begin to feel overwhelming. Here are some tips for making the personal injury claim process virtually pain-free.

Hire an Experienced Attorney


When navigating a personal injury claim, it’s crucial to have a powerful attorney to take your case. Oftentimes, insurance companies will try to drag out the process in order to get the plaintiff to agree to a much smaller legal settlement than they deserve. Make sure to find a legal firm along the lines of Miami-based Dante Law Firm who have experienced attorneys to help you win your personal injury case. Dante Law Firm specializes in personal injury cases from car accidents to on-the-job injuries, and even wrongful death claims. Dante Law Firm offers accident victims free consultations to determine if your case is viable and gather further information about the insurance company and your claim.

With the consistently heavy traffic on the streets of Miami, car accidents have become all too common. Many car accidents can result in serious injuries, and as a potential plaintiff, Dante Law Firm wants you to know your rights are their priority. A dedicated law firm with a team of aggressive and experienced attorneys could be what’s standing between you and your settlement. Whether it’s lost wages or punitive damages from an injury, a powerful law firm will get you the monetary compensation you deserve and ease your financial struggles.

Consider investing as a form of passive income.

While you’re out of work and waiting on a legal settlement from your personal injury case, you still have bills to pay and other financial obligations. Earning a passive income is a great way to supplement any lost wages during this time, and one of the most popular means of earning a passive income is investing. Traditional platforms for investing, like the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE), aren’t always accessible to everyday people. They are often high risks investments, and the platforms typically require you to be an accredited investor in order to use their service.

Yieldstreet is one stand-out alternative investment platform for people looking to avoid putting their money into the stock market. The investment opportunities that Yieldstreet offers create immediate diversification of your Yieldstreet wallet and portfolio by making a healthy distribution of your funds across different industries and alternative assets. Yieldstreet investments have a low correlation to the stock market, reducing the risk of default for investors. They also make it easy to immediately reinvest your earned dividends and interest payments, and all of the money in your Yieldstreet account is insured with the FDIC, meaning it’s always protected. This crowdfunding platform is highly regarded, and the few reviews with Yieldstreet compaints that do exist involve only minor issues with the mobile app, rather than Yieldstreet’s investment offerings.

Alternative investing has become a popular option for people looking to make a passive income without risking it all on the stock market. The Yieldstreet prism fund doesn’t require one to be an accredited investor in order to take part in their platform. Yieldstreet’s alternative investing involves tangible assets from asset classes spanning multiple industries. Yieldstreet creates these investment opportunities by working with trustworthy loan originators who provide necessary funds to different industry projects. These loans take collateral in the form of underlying assets from the borrower. The Yieldstreet platform then allows you to invest in these alternative assets such as real estate, art finance and fine art collections, litigation finance and legal settlements, commercial loans and commercial finance, warranties, and even marine finance.

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